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Everything posted by mini_me

  1. Gone in January
  2. Good post Phil. Unfortunately I have found myself to become more apathetic to going to watch Saints this season. I enjoyed the few pints and chat with my mates before the game far more than being in the ground Saturday. Why ? Well my season ticket seat moved when the Itchen corner closed, I am now in block 4 and its dull, duller than dull in fact. Some old bag behind me moaned at me about to talking to my mate too much. Everyone looked and frowned at me when I stood up and abused the ref and the football under the new regime is dire. Not blaming the kids who are playing but most are just not experienced enough or strong enough to handle most CCC sides. I can't abide Lowe and I can't blame people for staying away in protest at his return, but I am also not going to let him get in the way of me seeing SFC and spending a few hours with my mates like we have for the past 20 years or so. Its all very sad and I feel sorry for the kids (like my own) that will probably never experience the good times at football that I had growing up. One positive suggestion I could possibly add is that I would like to see a conserted effort through the local media for everyone who was moved out of the itchen corner to re-congregate in another part of the ground to re-generate the some of the lost atmosphere. Just my 2p (2 posts left today)
  3. Only the Polish.
  4. You really don't want to see the face
  5. Andy Penders. http://www.espnstar.com/opinion/bloggers/blog/item61784/ He used to work at the B&Q head Office in Chandlers Ford and he played football with a few from on here for a few seasons. Couldn't believe it when a mate said he was a star presenter on fast east TV !
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