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Everything posted by ashnats

  1. If you have "standards" when it comes to watching football, you have chosen poorly, not sure any of us saints fans can be critical of any other team, mens or womens, when we watch our utter dross week on week.
  2. Seems to have done pretty well. Talk of him coming back to the prem, but he might want to stay out there because he felt very appreciated, and will probably be a family decision.
  3. https://www.footballscotland.co.uk/spfl/joe-aribo-rangers-endurance-test-24228446
  4. So what's your solution? Genital checks at the door? What stops a male predator just identifying as a trans man if you enforce single sex facilities? Far easier than dressing up as a woman and taking hormones. Have you ever made any trans friends or had a conversation with a trans person? They are actually human beings. if there are any kiddyfiddlers on this site, I'd put money on them being antiwoke boomers, not part of the rainbow crowd.
  5. Have you looked at their actions? They're full of white guys. The video is full of white people. Their website is full of white people. They can say what they like but their actions suggest they do not have any problem hiring white people whatsoever.
  6. Clearly. https://oceangate.com/about/leadership.html Their staff is more than 90% White. I think it is more that they didn't want old military experience, and instead wanted fresh and innovative kids with their raspberry pi and xbox skills. Sorry if that doesn't fit with your faux racial outrage though.
  7. I keep reading they have x hours of oxygen left, but surely that is based on 5 souls? If there was only one of them alive, they could last 5 times longer than the estimates. There is a clear way forward to make that oxygen go further.
  8. Presumably we should pay more now that we are a championship rival, and that seems fair enough, although how this wasn't accounted for previously is a bit weird since we have been relegated for a while now.
  9. We should court the football gods and go for dabo from Coventry, out of contract and guaranteed to score a winning penalty in the next playoff final.
  10. Surely player is correct, since it is a judgement on who played best, not who was the best man. Unless you felt a throbbing desire to run your fingers through his curly locks and were overcome by how manly his thighs were, I think player is more appropriate. Ditto player of the season. Noone says man of the season do they. Who was our most manly man this season so far? Not jwp, for sure, and he is probably going to be our player of the season. Player of the match. And it was bednarek or Lavia.
  11. To be fair he is completely off the rails nowadays. He thinks actors were used to fake covid, that respirators were harming people, and that pcr tests spread flu. He proudly broke lockdown rules. He thinks aliens live on earth with us and that anyone who disagrees is a bit wacky. He doesn't know if the moon landings were real, and thinks 9/11 could not have been achieved with planes because "science". He thinks the word "conspiracy" is used as a media tool to cut down the truth. If he was a more physical player I'd have thought he might have headed the ball too much but he was too 'languid' and "enigmatic" for that. (Lazy)
  12. Hypothetical. I'm trans, from the uk, with family in gibraltar. I only speak English. Badenoch gets her way and it is no longer safe for me here. I flee to France, stowing away on a portsmouth ferry. I'm scared. No job, nowhere to live, the French aren't particularly welcoming and I don't speak the language so getting a job is really hard. My family is settled in gibraltar and can shelter me though. I would absolutely start that journey to safety. Yes France is safe(r) for trans people, but I won't feel safe until I am with my family and can start to rebuild my life.
  13. Surely this is all nonsense, if 100m people come here, surely that is basically an invasion? For those who believe our government, shouldn't we be setting up the home front and going to war? We can't just sit and watch 100m people come to the uk, we can't detain 100m people, and we can't even deport 100m to Rwanda, it's logistically impossible. So surely we should be setting up some camps to 'process' them? Or is the water not boiling yet, maybe we come back to that idea later.
  14. Thought he did OK. The backpass was from an injury return, so I think we assumed leicseter would honour it and not try to chase it down immediately. He did enough to put the player off scoring in the final seconds, and that's 2pts gained as far as I'm concerned...
  15. I assume we had instructions at 70mins to avoid extra time, nothing else makes sense. I think we could have scored at will if we had decided to attack them at any point. Positives, mccarthy looked solid, and bednarek looks a better player now.
  16. Reading lists change all the time. Not news.
  17. This. As soon as you get into a leadership role, it's time to abandon those who put you there, the needy, the disabled, the downtrodden, and just focus on more important (and lucrative) areas. Especially in politics, you don't get successful looking after the little guys. Imagine if government leaders focused on helping the bottom 10%, they'd not get elected again for a lifetime. Same with Nathan Jones, he should focus on getting a job at his highest level, which has been made clear is championship max.
  18. He's Argentinian.
  19. If we go for Ralph we can beat the 3 managers in one season jinx...
  20. Think that was his 5th. Only halfway to the record, which is richard dunne with 10, but dunne has played 4x as many matches, so he is well on track...
  21. We'd have to beat Luton first, and they are a very organised and front footed side, they play aggressively, and might be one of the best teams in Europe..
  22. The bookies always win...
  23. Think he missed a key aspect of being an arrogant twat in football. There are plenty of them, but the whole thing has to be a "noone likes us we don't care" mentality, and the same arrogance on the pitch. We're weak on the pitch, and the arrogant twat in charge of the team doesn't even acknowledge it as his team. Even if you don't want to take the arrogant twat route, any successful team management involves all pulling in the same direction...
  24. No, we were 6th in the 2019 inclusivity index, and WAY behind Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. It takes more than performative measures on TV. Having said that, one thing we might be able to claim some leadership in is our tv and music output, we have done some good comedy, drama and good music. So the one area we are inclusive and diverse in is probably our best.
  25. It's not just about diversity, it's inclusion too. it is not about hitting % numbers it's about ensuring the working environment is fair and inclusive for all and that staff are not taken advantage of or subject to harassment and poor line manager practices. Noone should be subject to abuse at their workplace for any reason, and no reason not to have managers responsible for reducing the abuse nhs staff may receive from patients and colleagues. 800 is tiny cf nhs workforce. Nhs has under 4 percent managers in its workforce, around 1/3 of a typical corporate environment. The idea that nhs waste on managers is a falsehood. Also, a lot of those inclusion managers will be looking at disabled staff and patients, accessibility initiatives, making sure ramps are in place etc, pretty important for a hospital... A bunch more will be working on social mobility, and taking down barriers around promotion bias against those from working class backgrounds. A bunch more will be working together around fair recognition and making a case for e.g. a fair wage for cleaners/porters etc. The items that get people hot under the collar, trans people and ethnic minorities, are a very miniscule part of what those managers do. Source; worked in a hospital, and the d and I team helped my team members a bunch of times to help improve the working environment in our team.
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