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  1. Yes i can - loads do. Clown
  2. 13 Assists in a single season. Top class, good luck danny fox.
  3. You're just an utter Clown aren't you.
  4. Played for pompey, and harrys mate = cock
  5. Should be taking 3000 up there minimum. Biggest game of the season 2 games from Wembley.
  6. Cortese to leave....
  7. Ramirez in for Rodriguez. That would be my only change
  8. One of the top 7 will have a poor run we need to win to keep it open....
  9. Serious question, should the game of been halted until he had left? If the ball had ballooned over and toward that area that could of potentially been serious.
  10. Brought another 4 front row of block 4. I reckon we could have nearly 4000 at the game.
  11. CFSFC

    Chico Flores

    Watching the United v Swansea game i think Flores even though he would cost a few bob would be brilliant for us with Lovren and someone we could tempt here with their strict wage structure. Top player that can play a bit and a proper defender.
  12. Ill be getting right behind him today. I dont want him going anywhere. Couldnt replace him for 20 mil. Need to keep him. plus he loves the club
  13. This could be a leveller.
  14. Davis Chambers Lovren Fonte Shaw Cork Morgan Ramirez Jrod Lallana Lambert I think 2014 could be gastons year for us, has so much ability and when wanyama is fit with Cork and Morgan shoring us up we need an additional goal threat. Gaston offers that.
  15. The free Kick in 91st min summed It up for me. Naismith was 6 yards away It him him He waved play on As we had ball but nowhere Near as dangerously. Sent from my gash phone that throws in capitals
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